Hello, I'm Ine!
Welcome to my vibrant and captivating art world. I’m a Uruguayan artist living in Denmark whose art rises from the search for self-definition and understanding the essence of life itself. Through striking, colorful, and clear visual language my work captures the collective human experience and reveals its universality through personal narrative exploration.
Explore my gallery and dive into my universe!

Join my artistic universe and let our stories intertwine.
Something vibrating inside knows that my art is already part of you.
Step into my artistic universe, where each stroke and creation weaves together the tapestry of my existence. Delve into a visual journey of symbols that navigates between the conscious and the unconscious, what is ordinary and fantasy, and let it ignite a spark within you to explore your own identity.
How it all began
I grew up with a curious, restless and observant spirit in a home where the materials and the time to explore and create were always within reach.
Having always been captivated by the power of clothing as an expression of personality, I begun my jurney to learn about the world of textiles and fashion design in Montevideo (UY). After finishing my university studies, I spent 3 years in Durazno (UY) immersed in the field of hand crafts in Uruguay, until my thirst for finding other ways to live life flew me the the other side of the world to study a master’s degree in artistic design in Beijing (CN). I graduated in a summer house in Denmark via zoom during the pandemic, and diploma in hand, I ventured off to Nuuk (GL) for one year to see for myself snow’s infinite shades of white. Now in Sønderborg (DK), I take every opportunity along this path of discovery through various lands to continue to ponder and wonder through my artistic practice which, like life itself, becomes deeper and fuller every day.