Los Gracias

People come and go. Some come for good, while others are gone without a second glance. Some never stay too close and others never totally leave. Sometimes, only the memory of a person remains; whatever it was they taught us, left us, took from us. Whatever change they made in us. 

LOS GRACIAS is a two-piece project that was made as a gesture of gratitude. Florencio Gracias and Edmunda Gracias where made to show my gratitude to those who taught me about self-empowerment and the value of my own time. They don’t really represent only one person, but are a mix of some people who taught me about these life lessons. Each Gracias is a set of two pieces; the portrait and a small hand-embroidered poem. 


Florencio Gracias

FLORENCIO GRACIAS celebrates self-empowerment. It was inspired by someone who without even knowing, gifted me the power of understanding my strengths and my weaknesses and taking control of my life. This person didn’t stay for too long. However, he gave me back my self-empowerment  


48 x 192 cm + poem 10 x 51cm 

Unbleached Cotton Canvas, Acrilyc Paint, Cotton Thread.

Original – Signed and Dated.

2020, Greenland.

Edmunda Gracias

EDMUNDA GRACIAS celebrates the value of time. It was inspired by some people who, unknowingly showed me the value of my own personal timing. Because life works in mysterious ways (or not so much), the creation process of Edmunda caught me unaware, and in a way time only knows how to, it showed me that time always goes by and that it is only up to us to decide how to deal with that. Edmunda was a double teaching on the value of time. 


37 x 170 cm + poem 10 x 51cm 

Unbleached Cotton Canvas, Acrilyc Paint, Cotton Thread.

Original – Signed and Dated.

2020, Greenland.
